do you need to remember why you love your family? brazil's unique take on family and what we can learn from it


would you live with your in-laws? the thought of this may be surprising (or even frightening) to those coming from anglo-centric backgrounds, but living with one’s family, even after marriage, is not uncommon in large parts of the world. in brazil, family is king, and it might just be the secret to happiness.

the nuclear family unit is not the traditional metric for family living in brazil, where it’s common to see two, sometimes three generations of relatives living under the same roof. in brazil, the concept of family is far more extensive, embodying a collectivist philosphy. here, family can encompass anyone who you may have a close connection with - from friends, to school teachers, to the local fruit seller. known as parentela, these networks of kinship imbue a sense of duty, where members of a family would just about drop anything to help one another out.

brazil is a nation frequently associated with carnivals, bright colours, and music - all elements that course through the lifeblood of its people. it’s a joy for life that’s evoked through their unofficial national epithet - família, futebol & festa (family, football, and festivites). indeed, the concept of family is so central to happiness that it was a central tenet of a 75-year harvard study. it’s no surprise, then, that brazilians are amongst the happiest people in the world.

brazilians are not alone in this privileging of family - the old african philosophy of ubuntu emphasises the interconnectedness of humanity and the confucian concept of filial piety still underpins many asian societies. today, as younger generations move away from home in search of greater employment opportunities, and families become more fragmented, parentela is slowly fading. despite this, it’s a way of life that feels more important now, more than ever before. it’s a reminder that family comes in many shapes and forms, and that human connection is at the core of everything that we do.