our values


OUR trips are designed to inspirE. they ARE INTENTIONALLY filled with experiences that will spark extroversion and introversion. WE CAREFULLY hand pick OUR hosts for their intrinsic inspiration AND unwavering SENSE OF PASSION. they have stories and lessons to share AND WE WANT YOU TO HEAR THEM.


we believe IN LETTING NATURE LEAD THE WAY. WE ENGAGE WITH wild and remote places to stir the soul. WE SEEK OUT the most sustainable and awe-inspiring locations TO CONNECT PEOPLE. WE WANT TO BRING EVERYONE BACK TO THE beginning - NATURE.


our trips connect people WHO SHARE THE SAME passions AS OUR HOSTS. CONNECTIONS FORGED BETWEEN EACH AND EVERY INDIVIDUAL EVEN BEFORE they even depart on the trip. you know that spark of meeting LIKE-MINDED PEOPLE for the first time and FEELING CONNECTED? that’s what we facilitate.

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give back

we STRONGLY BELIEVE IN GIVING BACK TO THE COMMUNITIES AND PLACES THAT WE TRAVEL. WE PLEDGE TO donate a portion of our profits to support the First Nations peoples of the places we travel to. we want to preserve living culture and ensure that storytelling is preserved through generations.

come home new

OUR TRIPS ARE MEANT TO NOT ONLY TAKE YOU SOMEWHERE DIFFERENT BUT BRING YOU BACK AS SOMEONE NEW. we want you to think about why you travel. don’t focus on the how, the where, the do of travel. WE WANT TO BE intentional with our trips. WE work out how we want to feel BY THE END OF THE TRIP. WHETHER THE END FEELING IS joy, PEACE, EXCITEMENT, fulfillment OR HUMILITY, WE STRIVE TO BRING THAT FEELING TO LIFE.